Tag: Top 10

Chris Ranson’s Top 10 Films of 2016

If there’s one thing that 2016 taught us about the cinema, it’s that theatre-goers do not care what critics, or Rotten Tomatoes, have to say about a film. It felt like most of the time I had the polar opposite reaction to a film than the critics. I still went, even if a film was…

Chris Ranson’s Top Ten Goosebumps Novels of All-Time

I first stumbled upon the Goosebumps series in September of 1993, and it thrust me into a world I would never escape. Even after an eight year gap between new books, I still gleefully pick up the latest one on release day, like I’m a drug addict and my addiction is tween horror. At no…

Chris Ranson’s Top 10 Horror Movies of 2014

If 2014 proved anything for cinema it’s that the horror genre is ready to make its third comeback. We’ve had a rough number of years with just a few hits here and there, and an abundance of sequels. 2014 marked one of the best years for the genre, with a load of great films, all…

Ashe Collins’ Top 10 Movies of 2014

I didn’t get to go out much in 2014, which is usually the case. My schedule makes it hard to get to the theatre, which means a lot of Netflix, and rentals. That said, I still haven’t seen a number of 2014 releases yet. I have seen enough, though, to make up my top ten of…

A Lifetime of Film: Ashe’s Top Ten from 1977

A Lifetime of Film covers one specific year of a Cinefessions’ writers existence, from birth to now, and goes over their top ten films from that year. It stems from a meme on Letterboxd, and is simply being expanded upon here. This week, Ashe covers his birth year: 1977. There’s a Top Ten Favorite Films…