Month: July 2010

Movie #84 – Village of the Damned (1995)

Movie Number- 84 Title– Village of the Damned (1995) Genre– Sci-Fi Branden’s Rating– 7 out of 10 Bridgette’s Rating– 7 out of 10 Average Rating– 7 Netflix Rating– 4 Stars Comments– For some reason I always avoided this movie, even though Bridgette was a big fan.  Turns out I actually like it.  Though the story…

Movie #83 – Zombieland (2009)

Movie Number- 83 Title– Zombieland (2009) Genre– Action Branden’s Rating– 9 out of 10 Bridgette’s Rating– 9 out of 10 Average Rating– 9 Netflix Rating– 5 Stars Comments– I cannot believe how long it took me to watch this movie!  As I said a hundred times, zombies are the shit, and anything relating to them…

Movie #82 – Daybreakers (2009)

Movie Number- 82 Title– Daybreakers (2009) Genre– Action/Sci-Fi Branden’s Rating– 8 out of 10 Bridgette’s Rating– 8 out of 10 Average Rating– 8 Netflix Rating– 4 Stars Comments– Without a doubt the best vampire movie I have seen (mind you, I haven’t seen THAT many).  This was original, action-packed, well acted, and just fun to…

Movie #81 – Triangle (2009)

Movie Number- 81 Title– Triangle (2009) Genre– Thriller/Horror Branden’s Rating– 7 out of 10 Bridgette’s Rating– 7 out of 10 Average Rating– 7 Netflix Rating– 4 Stars Comments– This one was a shocker.  It bears a pretty generic cover over at the Netflix Instant Queue section, and I probably wouldn’t have ever watched it if…

Movie #80 – Predators (2010)

Movie Number- 80 Title– Predators (2010) Genre– Action/Sci-Fi Branden’s Rating– 7 out of 10 Bridgette’s Rating– 8 out of 10 Average Rating– 7.5 Netflix Rating– 4 Stars Comments– And now the reason we were watching the Predator series to begin with: the latest theatrical release Predators.  This one did not disappoint, and Bridgette and I…

Movie #79 – Predator 2 (1990)

Movie Number- 79 Title– Predator 2 (1990) Genre– Action/Sci-Fi Branden’s Rating– 6 out of 10 Bridgette’s Rating– 7 out of 10 Average Rating– 6.5 Netflix Rating– 3 Stars Comments– I thought the premise for this one sounded even cooler than the first movie, and though I still think that is true, this one lacked a…

Movie #78 – Capitalism: A Love Story (2009)

Another warning that this is the first of six posts for today.  I lack the motivation to write one, and then everything else gets backed up until I get to that one I didn’t feel like writing about.  Enjoy the spam. Movie Number- 78 Title– Capitalism: A Love Story (2009) Genre– Documentary Branden’s Rating– 9…