Month: June 2010

Movie #46 – Hellboy

Movie Number- 46 Title- Hellboy (2004) Genre- Action Branden’s Rating- 7 out of 10 Bridgette’s Rating- 7 out of 10 Average Rating- 7 Netflix Rating- 4 Stars Comments– This was an enjoyable film.  I would have liked to see a better story, but it was good enough for an action film.  The action sequences were…

Movie #45 – The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters

Movie Number- 45 Title- The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007) Genre- Documentary Branden’s Rating- 9 out of 10 Bridgette’s Rating- N/A out of 10 Average Rating- 9 Netflix Rating- 5 Stars Comments– This was one of the best documentaries I have seen, though I may be a bit biased thanks to the…

Movie #44 – Hulk

Movie Number- 44 Title- Hulk (2003) Genre- Action Branden’s Rating- 6 out of 10 Bridgette’s Rating- 8 out of 10 Average Rating- 7 Netflix Rating- 4 Stars Comments– There was a lot in this film that I liked: how the scenes had a comic book feel to the transitions, the CGI work was some of…

Movie #43 – H.H. Holmes: America’s First Serial Killer

Movie Number- 43 Title- H.H. Holmes: America’s First Serial Killer (2003) Genre- Documentary Branden’s Rating- 6 out of 10 Bridgette’s Rating- N/A out of 10 Average Rating- 6 Netflix Rating- 3 Stars Comments– This is the first movie on the list that we didn’t both watch, and I wasn’t sure if I should add it…

Movie #42 – Inglorious Basterds

Movie Number- 42 Title- Inglorious Basterds (2009) Genre- Quentin Tarantino Branden’s Rating- 8 out of 10 Bridgette’s Rating- 7 out of 10 Average Rating- 7.5 Netflix Rating- 4 Stars Comments– When I went to pop this into the PS3, I noticed that it was over 2 and half hours in length, and was immediately discouraged:…

Movie #41 – Legion

Movie Number- 41 Title– Legion (2010) Genre– Sci-Fi Branden’s Rating– 3 out of 10 Bridgette’s Rating– 5 out of 10 Average Rating– 4 Netflix Rating– 2 Stars Comments– I heard all of my twitter friends, and pretty much everyone else that mentioned this movie, say that it sucked, but Bridgette insisted we rent it. Unfortunately,…

Movie #40 – The Forgotten

Warning: I haven’t updated in a while, so three tweets will be coming with the last three movies we’ve watched!  Enjoy, or something along that line: Movie Number- 40 Title- The Forgotten (2004) Genre- Thriller Branden’s Rating- 8 out of 10 Bridgette’s Rating- 8 out of 10 Average Rating- 8 Netflix Rating- 4 Stars Comments–…