Tag: haunted house

Movie Review – The American Scream (2012)

Title: The American Scream (2012) Running Time: 91 minutes Director: Michael Stephenson — One might argue that I’m pretty easy on reviewing documentaries, but I don’t feel that’s entirely true. When it comes to documentary filmmaking, I either love the movie or I hate it. It’s rare that I feel indifferent about one. To be fair,…

Movie Review – The Nesting (1981)

Movie Number– 79 Title– The Nesting (1981) Running Time– 103 minutes (“R”) Director– Armand Weston Writer– Daria Price, Armand Weston Starring– Robin Groves, Christopher Loomis, Michael David Lally, and John Carradine — (Originally an IP Movies Review) In the horror movie genre, the early ‘80s is best known for the overabundance of slasher films. It…