Tag: Dan O’Bannon

13 Days of Halloween: Day 12.75 – Ashe Collins on The Return of the Living Dead (1985)

Title: The Return of the Living Dead (1985) Director: Dan O’Bannon Runtime: 91 minutes — I know I’ve said this on twitter, and I’ll repeat it again here: The Return of the Living Dead is one of the best horror-based comedy films out there. It’s not a film you want to take seriously at all. While…

Movie Review – The Return of the Living Dead (1985)

Title: The Return of the Living Dead (1985) Runtime: 91 minutes Director: Dan O’Bannon — This is a perfect example of 80s craziness at its finest. From the over-the-top acting to the gore, music, and crazy naked woman, there’s a lot to enjoy about this horror romp. The zombie outbreak in Return happens thanks to…